2009 SPMA SCMeters Championships - SOBA Places 9th of 70+ Teams

World Record Broken, National Records Set, Lots of Points Earned
SOBA Places 9th of 70+ Teams!


Message from Coach Steve Hyde Regarding Short Course Meters Championship Meet Dec 4-6


Hi everyone:


I just want to thank everyone who participated in the Short Course Meters Championship at Belmont Plaza. This meet has grown into one of the largest and most competitive in the country. Many world and national records were broken at this meet and I am very pleased to say that we achieved our fair share of them. Our under 100+ 800 free relay Jeff Hart, Pat Jacobson, Jamie Ekstein, and Devin Brady set a new National Record, and our 160+ 800 free relay consisting of Ricardo Monroy Brian Merrigan, Scott Lee, and Jay Hoeschler was under world record time. Like wise our 100+ relay consisting Mark Tripp, Jeff, Patrick ant Devin set a new world record in the 400 Fr Relay. After three days the meet came down to the final event and the final (animal heat) of the 200 Fr Relay. Patrick led off with a 23.7 Jamie followed with a 25.6,Jeff 23.69. and Devin anchored with a 24.8. The total time of 137.95 set a new National record, eclipsing the record of 1.39 previously held by Davis Aquatics.


Success in a meet of this scale is not measured just by records but by participation. A special thanks to the following who came out to support the team and each other: Bill Gore, Brain Merrigan, Cynthia Snyder, Dede Moore, Dennis Holderman, Devin Brady, Elece Leverone, Ellen Lohneiss, Elizabeth Snyder, Jamie Ekstein, Jay Hoeshler, Jerry Lopopolo, Jeff Hart, Jeanne Fratello, Jessie Simon, Greg Johnson, Jim Torii, Dave Jonta. Joe Mc Cormack, Julie Guthrie, Kathy Darling, Cathryn Stergar, Kathy Gore, Lori Kelly, Liz Hjorth, Mark Tripp, Marty Risley, Patrick Jacobson, Randy Lyman, Ricardo Monroy, Scott Lee, and Van Miller.


Thanks to the effort of all these individuals we achieved a ninth place over all finish just four points out of 8th and only 36 points out of 5th place. From this you can see that participation-counts every splash matters. Seventy-two teams from all over the US and even Canada were represented at this meet. So over all I think it would be fair to say "YOU GUYS ROCKED!!!!!"


I hope that even more of you will be pyched up for the up coming short course yard season that ends in a much smaller regional event at Mission Viejo. I'm thinking that using meets at UCLA and Cal Tech for practice would be a good thing.


Thanks again

Steve Hyde

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