Gabriel Hartnell People to People Student Ambassador - He Needs Our Help

April 12, 2010


Dear SOBA family,


My name is Gabriel Hartnell. I have swimming with SOBA for about 3 years. I am a "B" swimmer. I was recently recommended and accepted to participate as a student leader in the People to People Student Ambassador program. I will be traveling to Japan this summer with 30 other 7th and 8th graders from the Los Angeles area. This 14-day trip consists of meetings with government officials, interaction with other students my age, educational activities, and a home stay with a host family. I am particularly excited about this trip’s opportunity as my grandmother is Japanese and my mother was born in Japan. When she was about the age I am now, while my grandfather was in the US Air Force, she lived in Japan and  attended school there from the 6th-9th grade. It has always been my hope that I would some day be able to visit Japan. Now that dream is coming true. I am taking Japanese lessons every Saturday and learning about Japanese culture, customs, hiragana (writing), as well as conversation. I hope this will enrich my experience that much more.


People to People Ambassadors are carefully interviewed and evaluated before their acceptance. Also, as part of my application process, I had to complete a written biography and get 3 letters of recommendation, which I got from 2 of my teachers and my Scout Master in Boy Scouts. I am honored to have been selected to participate in this program. This educational experience will increase my understanding of the world and give me the opportunity to learn firsthand about new places and cultures. Such knowledge will help me become the best citizen I can be.


I am currently asking my family and friends for financial sponsorship to help me with tuition, and I hope I can count on your support. In case you haven’t heard of People to People, President Dwight D. Eisenhower founded People to People in 1956. He believed that if people from different cultures could come together in peace and friendship, so eventually would nations. Programs like Sister Cities, Project HOPE, and the Student/Sports Ambassador Program were created by People to People, and have become independent programs since then.


The program tuition is $6500, which includes meals, transportation, accommodations, and educational activities. In addition to asking for sponsorship, I am collecting recyclable cans and bottles, and putting all my allowance and Christmas money towards this trip.


My program tuition is due by May 1, 2010. You can donate by sending a check to the address below or online at


 People to People Ambassador Programs
P.O. Box 34902, Seattle, WA 98124-1902


It is very important to include my name and delegate ID number:

Gabriel Hartnell




 Thank you in advance for your gracious consideration and support.


Sincerely yours,


Gabriel Hartnell