SOBA Wins SCAA Summer Champs 2010

South Bay Swim Team Places FIRST at 2010 SCAA Summer Champs-Congratulations!
Our team earned the MOST POINTS at Saturday’s Summer Championship Meet, coming in first in our division, and, in fact, WINNING the entire meet. GREAT JOB!! We have a very nice team trophy to share with everyone!

Each and every swimmer who participated in Summer Champs scored points for the team – this was truly a TEAM EFFORT! That means SOBA Swimmers earned lots of medals!

Lots of Personal Best Times
Congratulations to all swimmers with personal best times! N early 87% of you had at least one personal best time at Winter Champs – WOW!!
    24% had one best time
     28% had two best times, and
      34% had best time in ALL THREE EVENTS – that is FANTASTIC!

High Point Earner – 145 Points – Danny Gonzalez
Congratulations, Danny! He finished 1st place in two individual events (2 x 21 points) and 2nd place in one individual event (19 points) + 1st place in two relays (2 x 42 points)
He can take the trophy from Monday to Wednesday

Most Time Dropped – Nicholas Allison w/ 49.48 Total Improvement
Congratulations, Nicholas! He gets to take the trophy home for the entire summer break. After that, each swimmer will get to take it home for a few days at a time. We’ll go in order of most time dropped (i.e. ‘best’ of the personal best times)
Very impressive runners up:
Kimberly Gamez w/ 28.76 Jenniffer M 26.73 Jake A 26.57 and Ariana C 25.46… and there are more big time drops, too!


New Team Records
We had 9 new team records set at Saturday’s Summer Champs meet. Congratulations to:
     Elisa C: G 15-18 100 Breaststroke 1:20.69
     Adam H: B 5-6 25Y Freestyle 21.93
     Adam H: B 5-6 50Y Freestyle 47.85
     Breana J: G 11-12 50Y Freestyle 26.47
     Breana J: G 11-12 100Y Freestyle 59.85
     Breana J: G 11-12 50Y Breaststroke 33.90
     Leana J: G 11-12 50Y Backstroke 32.60
     Matt W: B 11-12 50Y Freestyle 27.62
     Matt W: B 11-12 50Y Butterfly 29.55

Congratulations to New “Club” Members
Spring Junior Olympics Club-Four Relays:
     11-12 Girls Medley Relay: Leana J, Breana J, Bridgette A, Marni M   2:10.35
     11-12 Boys Medley Relay: Nick P, Jacob V, Matt W, Jake A    2:13.78
     11-12 Girls Freestyle Relay: Leana J, Gabi T, Yen N, Breana J   1:55.53
     11-12 Boys Freestyle Relay: Nick P, Jacob V, Jake A, Matt W   

Blue Club: 
     Danny G. 25Y Butterfly
     Kevin Z: 50Y Backstroke (from Medley relay split) & 50 Freestyle

Red Club:
     Clay A: 50Y Freestyle
     Paola C: 100Y Breaststroke
     Julianna G: 100Y Backstroke
     Eric M: 25Y Breaststroke

Sectionals Club (our first SOBA Sectionals Time Achiever!):
     Breana J: 50Y Freestyle

SOBA Team Relays
Congratulations to ALL our relay swimmers! We don’t get to do relays that often, so it’s lots of fun to do them at these larger meets – a truly team experience with swimming. Relays are important because they earn double points over individual events. ALL of our legal relays scored points for the team. Great job!

Special SOBA Champs “Milestones”
-Congrats to our ‘first timers’ at a Championship Meet: Sophia A, Owen B, Vincent C, Cynthia D, Jorge G, Gabriel Herrera, Ryan K, Parris M, Sawyer M, Ty P, and Kelsie W!
-Honored for participating in FIVE championship meets: Nicholas A, Marissa A, Gabe Hartnell, Brooke S, and Paige S
-Recognized for participating in SEVEN championship meets: Bridgette A
-Shout out for participating in TEN championship meets: Breana J, Leana J, and Gabi T
-Extraordinary achievement for participating in FIFTEEN championship meets: Elisa C! Elisa’s first championship meet was Winter 2003; now at the age of 15, she has competed in 15 SCAA Championship meets. We recognized Elisa on Monday, and brought her the trophy that we earned at the Winter 2003 SCAA Championship meet (along with a darling photo of Elisa at and after her first champs meet)
-YES, we do have swimmers with 6, 8, 9, 11, and 13 champs to their credit (you know who you are!); the aforementioned swimmers hit certain ‘milestones’ which we recognized at Awards Day

Special Fun Awards
-Congrats to Jake A for a fantastic relay exchange!
-Honoring Cynthia D for losing her goggles during backstroke, then tossing them directly into the coach tent in the middle of her backstroke, all while making the official laugh, and not getting DQ-ed!

We are SO PROUD of all our swimmers and families – what a fantastic Summer Champs!