Caltech Pentathlon: SOBA Success!

Caltech Pentathlon – SOBA Success!
By Steve Hyde
We had a good turnout at the Caltech Penthlon and some great swims. The pentathlon consists of 50 Yard swims in each stroke, capped off with a 100 Yard Individual Medley. Needless to say, this meet attracts sprinters, and this year was no exception. The winning times in the mens 60+ and 65+ were in the 26 second range, and the winning 70+ time was 25.76! (gives us all a little something to shoot for, right!?)

SOBA was represented well in a broad range of age groups by Jeff Hart, Larry Ashmore, Mike Tran, Gretchen Petersen, Scott Lee, Ricardo Monroy, Tea Austin, Dave Neilan, and Bob Eberwine. This was Mike’s first swim meet in 23 years! Dave continued his recent rampage by collecting four personal best times at this meet (Dave also was the top age group point earner in last summer’s ocean race series).

In a meet of this caliber, it’a real honor to be seeded in the final “animal” heat, and SOBA was well represented. Some of the best racing of the meet was provided by Jeff and Tea. Tea touched out Jeff in the 50 free (21.78 vs. 21.94) and the 50 back (25.81 vs 26.59).

Examples of other outstanding performances follow:
Scott Lee posted and age group first place in the back, with a 29.52; Dave Neilan went 32.6; and Gretchen Peterson earned third place with 37.20. Larry produced a 36.1 breaststroke; Dave clocked a 35.95, Mike in his comeback meet went 34.32, and Ricardo posted a very respectable 37.39. The 50 free produced some outstanding swims – Bob went 25.3; Dave a 27.10, and Ricardo a 27.17.

This is just a small sampling of the results from this meet. Complete info about the pentathlon is available on

Thanks to all the swimmers who demonstrated their need for speed, and special thanks to Sue, who came out to support the troops.

Our next opportunity to excel is at the historic Mission Viejo Pool on March 20, and then at the UCLA Meet on April 3rd. The UCLA meet is at a the new Spieker Aquatics Center, which is a new, fast pool that is virtually in our back yard.

Thanks again,