2011 Pier to Pier Success

Congratulations to all swimmers for amazing swims at the 2011 Dwight Crum Pier to Pier on 7/31/11! This year's conditions were a little choppier than most of us would like, but not as cold as last year, that’s for sure! This swim is one of the largest races around - over 925 finishers!

This is our biggest team wide event of the year, and it looks like about 30 SOBA team members participated this year – WOW!

Results are already posted! Check them out: You can search by name, gender, age group etc.

Kudos to first-timers Robert B, Joanie C, Patrick D, and Christine S. Welcome to ‘the club’! Congrats to all of you who swam a ‘personal best’ – however you rank that – by overall finish place, higher percentage rank, etc. (I think Jay H, Dennis H, Dawn K, Jerry L, and Dave N might fall into those categories)

Extra special thanks to our own Jerry Lopopolo for organizing yet another fantastic team breakfast/beach party! And, many thanks to those of you who helped by picking up the coffee and bagels; as well as those of you who helped bring things down to the beach. Truly a team effort, lead by our awesome ‘social chair’ Jerry!

If you were not at the team party, you missed a wonderful ‘go for it’ motivational speech by coach Steve Hyde. Fortunately, I caught most of that, and you can view it on the website’s ‘ Video’ Tab – enjoy! (apologies about the audio; lots of wind)

A huge thank you our two fantastic coaches, Steve and Sue. Steve and Sue, have different coaching styles and strategies, yet provide such a perfect balance for us! Both coaches have been on deck for at least as long as I’ve been team manager, and for many years prior to that. It is because of this leadership and continuity that our team is so amazing. THANK YOU to Steve and Sue!

Ours is a unique team, one that has been very ‘friends and family’ oriented. I really enjoy that about South Bay Swim Team. Thank you for being part of this special group. 

Enjoy reviewing the results, and figuring out how everyone did at the 2011 Pier to Pier (especially your lane-mates and interval buddies!).

More photos: