South Bay Swim Team Places FIRST at 2011 SCAA Summer Champs-Congratulations!

Our team earned the MOST POINTS at Saturday’s Summer Championship Meet, coming in first in our division, and, in fact, WINNING the entire meet. GREAT JOB!! We have a very nice team trophy to share with everyone!

Each and every swimmer who participated at Summer Champs scored points for the team – this was truly a TEAM EFFORT! That means everyone earned at least one medal, and some of you even more.

  85% of you had at least one personal best time at Winter Champs – WOW!!
    28% had one best time
     28% had two best times, and
      30% had best time in ALL THREE EVENTS – that is FANTASTIC – so proud of you, swimmers!

How amazing, that our of 281 SOBA races, there were only 3 total team DQ's. Way to go!!

Most Time Dropped – Gabe Hartnell 33.87 total
He gets to take the trophy home for the entire summer break, starting on Friday. Way to go Gabe! Close runner-up is Nina Valdes with a total drop of 31.55; followed by Blaze Bird with 23.13.

High point earner – 147 Points – 3-Way Tie  WOW!!!
1st place in their three individual events (3 x 21 points) + 1st place in two relays (2 x 42 points) – Congratulations, Vincent, De-De and Lexie! They each get to take the trophy home one night each, this week.

The Big Trophy
After Vincent, De-De, Lexie and Gabe have had their time with the trophy, each swimmer will have the opportunity to take it home for a few days at a time. We’ll go in order of most time dropped (i.e. ‘best’ of the personal best times)

New Team Records
We had Three new team records set at Summer Champs  -  All by Vincent! Congratulations to:
   Vincent Calta B 5-6 25 Yard Freestyle 19.54
   Vincent Calta B 5-6 50 Yard Freestyle 44.50
   Vincent Calta B 5-6 25 Yard Breaststroke 28.02

Special SOBA Champs “Milestones”
-Congrats to our ‘first timers’ at a Championship Meet: Sean B, Alexis C, Vaughn D, Adrian G, Ina G, Collin G, Marisa H, Kate K, Lily K, Gavin P, and McKennon W.
-Honored for participating in FIVE championship meets: Clay A, Isabelle C,  Lauren C, Carolina G, Danny G, Audrey M, Eric M, Jenniffer M, Nick P, and Stacie R; AND Coach Amber
-Recognized for participating in SEVEN championship meets: Nicholas A, Marissa A, Gabe Hartnell, Patricia R
-Shout out for participating in TEN championship meets: Blaze B, Paola C, Kristen H, Lexie T; AND Coach Dede
-11 Champs: Kyle & Jacob. 12 Champs: Breana, Leana, Gabi
-Most champs to date: Two-Way Tie with Kimberly Gamez & Julianna Gomez at 13 champs!!
-YES, we do have swimmers with 6, 8, 9 champs to their credit (you know who you are!); the aforementioned swimmers hit certain ‘milestones’ which we recognized at Awards Day.

Relays at Champs
-We don’t get to do relays often, so it’s really special when we have so many relay teams at champs meets!
-This year, we had a relay entered in almost every gender and age group
-Relays are important to the team, because they earn DOUBLE points
-Medals are awarded for teams who place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd BUT points are awarded to all teams who place 1st thru 6th

THANK YOU for all your help with all the ‘jobs’ we were assigned by the league. We really appreciate you pitching in to help make this meet run as smoothly as possible. We are lucky to have so many fantastic team families with SOBA!

Congratulations on Promotions!
At the conclusion of each season, we often promote swimmers who are ready for the next skill level group. Congratulations to the swimmers whom we are promoting!
-Promoted from C to C1: R (these swimmers now have the option of coming up to four days per week: M-Th)
-Promoted from C to C1: Brandon C and Paola G
-Promoted from C1 to B: Russel A, Sophia A, Lucas H, Allie J, Eric M, and Max R
-Promoted from B to B1: Daniel B, Sophie C, Christina G, Kaio M, Lexie T, and Jasmine W

-Promoted from B1 to A: Gabe Hartnell, Ty P, Forrest W, Kevin Z

plus we know a couple more of you are really close to promotion to the next group, so work hard, and stay tuned for details!

Way to go swimmers – we are so proud of you!

This was a FANTASTIC way to end the season! We are so thrilled for our team, and so excited for all of your successes at summer champs.

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