2012 Seal Beach Rough Water Swim Results

2012 Seal Beach Rough Water Swim Results, Provided by Coach Steve Hyde

The Seal Beach Rough Water Swim was one of our best attended events to date!  It is the first of the swims in the SPMS’s Open water series.  The eligible events are listed on the SPMS website

The rules for the series are also posted on the SPMS website but are summarized here.  A swimmer must swim in at least three sanctioned races.  Points are awarded to the top ten finishes in each age group only to SPMS swimmers Non SPMS swimmers are removed from the rankings. 

To make sure that you get credit for your swim, enter your name just as it appears on your membership card. If you are beach entering be sure that you bring a copy of your USMS member ship card (copies are downloadable from the SPMS website). Swimmers with less than three series races are ineligible for consideration in the final standings.

Participating SOBA swimmers and their age group placing’s in the one mile event include:
Bill McLaren 3rd, Bill Gore 5th, Kathy Gore 1st(yeah), Beverly Baird 4th, Chris Bell 3rd, Dave Sundius 6th, Heidi Hoang 2nd, Greg Johnson 7th, Nave Neilan 4th,  Steve Hyde 3rd, Joanie Choy 4th(Wet suit Division) Kevin Nemeth 3rd, Jay Hoeschler 2nd,  Pat Dorr 6th, Chris Cosner, 2nd, Dave Jonta 2nd, Sandy Roth 5th.

SOBA swimmers in the three mile event included Dave Neilan 7th, Greg Johnson 13th, Fuad Burki 2nd, and Gaylord Schilling 3rd.

Kudos to Greg and Dave for swimming in both events!!!

The next swim in the open water series is the Balboa to Newport 2mile pier to pier swim on July 14th.

Let’s help keep the momentum going by showing up for ocean workouts Saturday 9AM at MB Pier.