2013 SOBA Pier to Pier Success

Congratulations to all "Dwight Crum 2-mile Pier to Pier" swimmers for an amazing feat in the 2013 race! This swim is one of the largest races around – 1089 finishers this year (783 in the swimsuit division, and 306 wetsuit division swimmers).

This is our biggest team wide event of the year, and it looks like about 35+ South Bay Swim Team Masters swimmers participated this year – WOW!

Race results are online – check them out. You can search by name, gender, age group etc. Enjoy reviewing the results.

Overall, the results have ‘shifted’ in the last couple of years with the addition of the wetsuit division. Interesting to note that the swimsuit division is essentially the same as last year (5 less or less than ¾% decrease), while the wetsuit division has grown quite a lot (79 more or almost 35% increase).

 Also of note for 2013… looks like this was a ‘slower’ year by finish times – even the top finishers had times a couple minutes slower than last year. But, an exciting trend for our teammates is that even though overall times were slower, most of our teammates are ranked higher percentage-wise than previous years – that’s a more ‘true’ representation of progress/improvement than overall time. Congratulations!

Monster awards: Some amazing percentage rank drops from 2012 include
-David B 12th percentile in 2013 vs 26th percentile for 2012
-Romi G 30th percentile in 2013 vs 43rd percentile for 2012
-Heidi H 9th percentile in 2013 vs 27th percentile for 2012 (wow!)
-Giannina O 22nd percentile in 2013 vs 31st percentile for 2012
-David S 2nd percentile in 2013 vs 54th percentile for 2012 (wetsuit div 2013, vs swimsuit 2012)

Kudos to age-group/division medalists:
-Keith Dickson 1st place 55-60 male and 11th place overall finisher!
-Heidi Hoang 2nd place in the 30-34 female and 19th female overall
-Dennis Holderman 6th place 50+ men’s wetsuit division
-Scott Lee 3rd place 50-54 male and 16th overall finisher!
-Dave Neilan 2nd place 45-49 male
-Anneka Sakovich 1st place 35-39 female and 15th female overall
-Dave Sundius 4th place 50+ men’s wetsuit division
-Mark Tripp 4th place 30-34 male and 19th male swimmer

Kudos to first-timers Clara B, Scott B, Michael E, Jessica H, Liz T, and Kacy T – Welcome to ‘the club’!

Congrats to all of you who swam a ‘personal best’ – however you rank that – by overall finish place, higher percentage rank, time, or good old participation. Great job!!

Extra special thanks to Jerry and Anneka for organizing yet another FANTASTIC team breakfast/beach party! And, many thanks to those of you who helped by picking up the coffee and bagels; as well as those of you who helped bring things down to the beach, and carry them back up. Truly a team effort, lead by our awesome ‘social chairs’ Jerry & Anneka!

A huge thank you our two fantastic coaches, Steve Hyde and Sue Stohrer. Many of you contributed toward a coach gift and had a chance to write a note on their cards. Thanks for doing that to recognize them. Our two coaches, Steve and Sue, have unique coaching styles and strategies, yet provide such a perfect balance for us! Both Steve and Sue have been our coaches since about 2000, providing us amazing consistency in leadership & workouts, and demonstrating long-standing commitment to SOBA and swimming. It is because of this leadership and continuity that our team is so amazing. THANK YOU to Steve and Sue!

Ours is a unique team, one that has been very ‘friends and family’ oriented. I really enjoy that about South Bay Swim Team. Thank you for being part of this special group.

Enjoy reviewing the results, and figuring out how everyone did this year… especially your lane-mates and interval buddies!