SOBA Places First at 2014 SCAA Summer Championship

CONGRATULATIONS on a fantastic Summer Championship Meet on Sunday!

SOBA earned the most points at Sunday’s Summer Championship Meet, coming in first in our division and winning the entire meet. We were so thrilled to share that big trophy with everyone at our awards celebration today at 5:00.

Almost every swimmer who participated Saturday scored points for the team – this was truly a TEAM EFFORT!
  89% of you had at least one personal best time at Winter Champs – WOW!!
    30% had one best time
     37% had two best times, and
      21% had best time in ALL THREE EVENTS – that is FANTASTIC – so proud of you, swimmers!
<our numbers are a little skewed this time, because some swimmers didn’t get to swim their third event, the IM – regardless, these percentages are UP from winter champs, and that is GREAT!>

Most Time Dropped – Jameson Thornburg  28.09 total 
She gets to take the trophy home for the entire summer break. Way to go Jameson! Close runners-up are Claudia B with a total drop of 24.06; Seven C with 24.02; Allison C with 18.64; Josh H with 15.04; Malia L with 14.61

High point earner
Kent Zeballos Each with 105 Points
probably also Ina and Riley, had they been able to swim the 100 IM; both were seeded 1st by far!

Each of these teammates earned 1st place in the medley relay (42 points). Kent placed 1st in all three of his individual events (3 x 21 points); Ina and Riley placed 1st in their two events, and likely would have placed 1st in her 100 IM if they had been able to swim it. Congratulations Kent Ina and Riley! Each of you gets to take the trophy home one night this week. Close runners-up are: Kevin Z 99 points; Gavin P 98

The Big Trophy
After our ‘most time dropped’ achievers and our high point earners have had their time with the trophy, each swimmer will have the opportunity to take it home for a few days at a time. We’ll go in order of most time dropped (i.e. ‘best’ of the personal best times)

New Team Records
We had 4 new team records set at Sunday’s Summer Champs meet. Congratulations to:
   Eliette Singleton F 15+ 100 Y Breaststroke 1:16.70 <Singleton 2/2014>
   Kevin Zeballos M 13-14 100 Y Backstroke 59.86 (summer JO time) <Zeballos 8/2013>
   Kevin Zeballos M 13-14 100 Y Butterfly 1:00.03 (winter JO time) <Fleming 4/2003>
   Kevin Zeballos M 13-14 50 Y Freestyle 24.41 (summer JO time) <Zeballos 7/2014>

New Red/Blue/JO Club Members:
The Red, Blue and JO Club represent the different ‘Time Standards’ by age groups outlined by Southern California Swimming. These represent the ‘top’ level of swimming in our region, with the Spring Junior Olympic (JO) being the toughest category, followed by Summer JO, then Blue Times, then Red. Coach Dede has created recognition stars for each level, and she tracks the progress (thank you Coach Dede!). Congratulations to NEW members of…
-The Red Club: Isaac Ramirez Br, Wyatt Peers Br, Sergio Morales 50 and 100 Fr, Malia Lyou 50 Fr/fly, Malia Hill 25 and 50 Fr, Sean Dorr 200 Fr, CJ Carrozza 50 Fr and Bk
-The Blue Club: Brian Chiu Br (actually did it long ago but I missed it!), Kiao Miatti Bk and Br, Alex Morales 50/100 fr, Roen Serota 100 Fr
-Winter Junior Olympics: Lauren Chiu Br (skipped over summer JO!!), Kevin Zeballos Bk, Jasmine Wu added 50 Fr
  Winter JO Relays:
9-10 girls medley Jay Lauren Ina Leila
11-12 boys Ryan Kent Danny and Gavin

(9-10 boys just missed summer JO medley relay time by one second!)
If you want to check out the Time Standards (and maybe set out a new goal for yourself), they are available Online at the Southern California Swimming website; the time standards are updated annually.

Special SOBA Champs “Milestones”
-Congrats to our ‘first timers’ at a Championship Meet: Angel, Claudia, Jackson, Dane, Laila, Malia H, Malia L, Cara, Hope, Wyatt, Becky, Josh S, Sofie  !

-Completing THREE championship Meets: Josh H, Daliyah J, Delaney J, Lizzie L, Sophia L, Nick R, Isaac R
-Honored for participating in FIVE championship meets: David B, Giselle C, CJ, Brian C, Sally G, Ruka G, Max J, Ashley L, Austin M, Alex M, Sergio M, Jude R, Levi S, and Coach Romi!!
-Recognized for participating in SEVEN championship meets: Vaughn D, Ina G, Collin G
-Shout out for participating in TEN championship meets: Isabelle C, Lauren C, Nina V and Coach Mark
-11 Champs: Danny G, and Ryan R
-12 Champs: Alexandra B, Seven C, Kaitlyn R, Kevin Z
-14 Champs: Gabe H, Kaio M.
-16 Champs: Lexi T
-Most champs to date: Jacob Victorica at 17 champs!!
-YES, we do have swimmers with 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 champs to their credit (you know who you are!); the aforementioned swimmers hit certain ‘milestones’ which we recognized at Awards Day.

Relays at Champs
We don’t get to do relays often, so it’s really special when we have so many relay teams at champs meets! This year, we had a relay entered in every gender and age group. Relays are important to the team, because they earn DOUBLE points. Medals are awarded for teams who place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd BUT points are awarded to all teams who place 1st thru 6th

Congratulations on Promotions!
At the conclusion of each season, we often promote swimmers who are ready for the next skill level group. Congratulations to the swimmers whom we are promoting!
-Promoted from C to C1: Mary Kate Brown, Sandy Kelly, Jameson Thornburg (these swimmers now have the option of coming up to four days per week: M-Th)
-Promoted from C1 to B: David B’Llamas-Reynoso, Jordan Pearce, Charlie Rudy, Levi Suree (these swimmers now have the option of coming up to five days per week: M-Fri)
-Promoted from B to B1: Allison Camfield, Lauren Chiu, Maddy Garcia, Ina Gorordo, Collin Gray, Becky Ramirez,
-Promoted from B1 to A: Isabelle Chiu, Daniel Genuth, Danny Gonzalez
plus we know a couple more of you are really close to promotion to the next group, so work hard, and stay tuned for details!

THANK YOU for all your help with all the ‘jobs’ we were assigned by the league. We really appreciate you pitching in to help make this meet run as smoothly as possible. We are lucky to have so many fantastic team families with SOBA!

Way to go swimmers – we are so proud of you! This was a FANTASTIC way to end the season! We are so thrilled for our team, and so excited for all of your successes at summer champs.

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