Congratulations Pier to Pier Finishers


This Year’s Pier to Pier race was a little longer an a little ‘rougher’ than the past couple years. However, it was a record breaking year, with over 1,000 finishers!
Results are already posted! Check them out:
you can search by name, gender, age group etc. Many ways (thanks to the new timing chips and the company running the timing end of the program this year).
Or, you can go find it thru the Surf Festival website:
Congratulations to you all for an amazing feat at this year’s race! This is our biggest team wide event of the year, and it looks like about 30 SOBA team members participated this year – wow!
Kudos to first-timers – Dawn, Jamie, Jim, and Mike S (Mike, first for you, right?)!!! Welcome to ‘the club’.
Extra special thanks to our own Jerry Lopopolo for organizing yet another fantastic team breakfast! And, many thanks to those of you who helped by picking up the coffee and bagels; as well as those of you who helped bring things down to the beach (and take them up). Truly a team effort, lead by our awesome ‘social chair’ Jerry!
Enjoy reviewing the results, and figuring out how everyone did yesterday (especially your lane-mates and interval buddies!)