Recap from SOBA Nutrition Talk with Coach Dede

Recap from SOBA Nutrition Talk with Coach Dede (January 7, 2013)

Nutrition for Young Swimmers

Meets and preparing prior to meets is largely experimental at this point and we learn if the child is the nervous eater or the running around forgetting to eat or the nervously throws up anything or the so nervous they have a dry mouth, etc.

Safest choices are whatever the child is willing to eat frequently in small amounts (will they stop playing with friends/videos to eat something or will you have to monitor and feed them every 30 minutes?

It is trial and error and you both will find what works best over time!  There are some good  recommendations in the SOBA Team Handbook (pgs 16-17).

General nutrition-   Fast eaters eat til stomachs are full brain satiety center has no chance to kick in.  Try ONE handful of nuts 30-60 minutes before meal to trigger brain satiety center to say “Hey you’re no longer hungry”
-Vitamins-Iron for girls don’t take with milk (calcium binds it) but acidic juice.
-Calories. Proteins and carbs same calories per oz but fats over double calories per oz.
-Napkin test-place item on napkin and if there’s an oily stain generally = fatty

Water/Fluid intake-Swimming bodies stay cool so little sweating.  Water fountains are fine.  YES you can drink too much water and have problems so don’t push the 8 glasses of water.

Proteins-We need “complete” proteins:  Milk/animal products.  Vegans combine grains/legumes to form complete protein like rice/beans, corm/lima beans etc. Best time of day?  AM as growth hormone levels are highest and the body processes proteins best.  Remember milk is a complete protein.

Beware muscle building products may have a banned substance which makes it work!

In general swimming is not a sport that “breaks down” muscle much.  Ask about soreness the day after a workout…

Fruit vs fruit juices/juicers/smoothies.  HUGE amounts of calories in juicing/smoothies-good for wt gain though!    Offer whole fruit so they’ll eat less/gain fiber.             

Weight gain add breads ADD slim fast to drinks for meals.

Swimming is great for general health but not for weight loss-core temp stays cool…

SMALL frequent meals. Remember the satiety center

Slow eating with smaller portions.  Get up and go back for seconds. “Want more gravy?  Eat the celery first!”

Substitute water with meals, celery, watermelon.  Eliminate breads.           

Snacks:  Wt loss:  CELERY takes more calories to digest than you get from it.  How do you kill a starving man?  Give him celery to eat.  Kids demanding sweets:  gummy bears/Swedish fish, pears, apples have slower absorption so recommended for diabetics.

Meets:  Avoid sugar spikes!!!  When you ingest a rapid sugar load (juicebox, candybar etc) you get a spike in sugar in about 20 minutes which is fine if you are about to race.  BUT the instant the pancreas senses the blood sugar rise it spits out insulin rapidly dropping blood sugar sometimes lower than before the snack!  Small frequent snacks!

Breakfast early:  Not large, small amts of fat/meats ok.  Easy to digest carbs best.

Warm days the sugar in sports drinks helps water absorption.  Avoid milk products during meet.  Avoid blood flowing to the skin on hot days (flushed?) or stomach with fat/protein or large meals.

Constant small amts of slow releasing sugars-pear slices/1/4 banana etc

Problems:  muscle cramps:  Activity done previously that day?, dehydration, K+
-Try sports drinks with potassium, bananas, dried fruit, google 'potassium'.

Banned substances and Testing
-Caffeine-1 cup equivalent/ADULT so how much for kids??*
-ADD/ADHD and Adderol stimulants
-Asthma and Albuterol stimulants

*Stimulants for adults often have opposite action in kids.  Likewise meds like Benedryl/antihistamines often stimulate kids and put us to sleep!

I welcome any questions or comments!

Coach Dede

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