SOBA Pier to Pier Success

South Bay Swim Team

Congratulations to all Pier to Pier swimmers for an amazing feat on Sunday 8/7/22! This swim is one of the largest races around – looks like 1,128 finishers this year (913 in the swimsuit division, and 215 wetsuit division swimmers). Combined, there were about 16 more participants than in 2021.

Race results are online – check them out! Here is a LINK

You can search by name, gender, age group etc. Check out the results and enjoy.

Overall, the results have ‘shifted’ in the last several years with the addition of the wetsuit division. This year swimsuit division increased from 2021 (by 31), and the wetsuit division decreased by 15 from 2021.

Also of note for 2022… this year appears to have been a little “slower” than the last few years, by finish times. 2019 was considered a ‘fast’ year (top finisher time 35.42). Prior to that, the most recent 36-minute finish was in 2007 (36.00 Micah Carlson), and then 2003 (36.21) before that.

I usually like to look at how people ‘rank’ among overall, because I think it’s a more ‘true’ representation of progress/improvement than overall time (because of conditions that shift year-to-year, like currents, water temps, etc.). It’s not like comparing pool competitions. Congratulations to all!

Several SOBA Masters Swimmers and Six SOBA Age-Group teammates swam the race; several SOBA age group ‘alums’ and some swim team parents swam too.

Congrats to all of you who swam a ‘personal best’ – however you rank that – by overall finish place, higher percentage rank, time, or good old participation. Great job!!

Congratulations to teammate Anneka Sakovich who placed 1st her age group, earning a medal. WOW – way to go!!

And Kudos to
-Bodysurfing Championship participant Dave B – anyone else? How did it go?
-Cathy G who placed first in her division for the paddle– anyone else do the paddle?

Enjoy reviewing the results, and figuring out how everyone did this year… especially your lane-mates and interval buddies!

I know that many of us got to see Coach Steve at the finish. WOW, so great to see him on the beach, and 'in his element'. If you took any pics with Steve, please forward to me (thanks!). And, I know we were all missing Ricardo at this swim. This would have been his 14th-15th P2P (at least from my records), and he was famous for encouraging and challenging other teammates. He is definitely missed.

More photos: